The PT2312E is a video-audio interface ICs SOP-32_300mil RoHS manufactured by Princeton. It is an integrated circuit that contains multiple video and audio I/O terminals which allow it to be used as a bridge between devices such as computers, TVs, monitors, and audio systems. This particular part supports multiple video standards such as MPEG-2, H.264, and VC-1 as well as multiple audio standards including DDAC, DTS, and Dolby Audio. In addition, it provides advanced functions such as Audio and Video Downscaling, Frame rate conversion, and Aspect Ratio Conversion (ARC). It also supports HDMI 1.3+EDID 4.7 which makes it highly compatible with most consumer electronics devices. Moreover, with its RoHS certification, it ensures that this part is constructed using components that meet the standards and restrictions set by the European Union for protecting the environment.