The DRS4 part of Sensata is a highly integrated, high performance analog semiconductor for time-to-digital (TDC) conversion. It is capable of converting time-based signals into correlated digital words, typically in the nanosecond range. It is designed specifically for measuring the time intervals between two measured events, such as electromagnetic pulse or laser impulses, or any other quantifiable information. The DRS4 part of Sensata can be used in a wide variety of applications, including in scientific research, particle physics and other industrial applications. The DRS4 is composed of two important components: the TDC and its associated circuitry, which connects to electronics components outside the parts enclosure. The TDC accurately measures the duration of electrical pulses to a resolution of a few nanoseconds, using both TDC and its proprietary circuitry. The DRS4 is fabricated using state-of-the-art complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology, and its die can be programmed to perform various functions.