MicroelectronicsSTC15F2K60S2-28I-LQFP44 is a low power 8-bit single-chip microcontroller manufactured by STC Microelectronics. It is built on a high performance 8051-based CPU core and is equipped with a 64K byte Flash memory with 28KB of RAM. It is housed in the STC LQFP-44_10x10x08P RoHS packages which is a Lead-Free Quad Flat Pack (LQFP) package with 44 pins. The microcontroller is suitable for a wide range of general application and has multiple features including SPI, 16-bit T1/T2 timer, PWM output, 8 channels of 10-bit ADC, and 4 channels of UARTs. It is also capable of high speed real-time computing, up to 24 MHz clock frequency, and 256 bytes on-chip EEPROM. It supports multiple operating voltage levels, or 5 V to 3.3 V, internal clock oscillator, watchdog timer, power safety, and low power modes. It has the ability to connect to a wide range of devices such as LCDs, encoders, and sensors.