Bluetechnix | X-ON
Since its foundation Bluetechnix has been synonymous with individual circuit design and embedded software development at the highest standards. These standards apply for their products ranging from the highly innovative time-of-flight based depth sensors to compact System-on-Modules as well as for their customer specific developments and EMC laboratory services. All their products are certified in their accredited in-house EMC laboratory. A strong customer base of over 1000 worldwide and their status as official design house for ToF solutions as well as the worldwide leadership in the segment of ADSP Blackfin® System on Modules ensure a successful market position.
Bluetechnix is known for its high performance 3D depth sensor technology based on the time-of-flight principle which is used in their unique sensor products
Bluetechnix is one of the market leaders in the ADSP Blackfin® Core Module segment and is specialized in System-on-Modules with ARM and DSP processors of the Blackfin and i.MX processor families.