The TLP620X is a family of low-power, optically isolated, and bipolar input I/O isolation devices manufactured by Isocom. It is designed to provide isolation between digital and analog circuits. It provides a high level of protection against transient and noise, while working without the need of additional power supplies. The TLP620X family offers a wide range of isolation performance and applications, like isolated power, high-speed communication, and protection for equipment with different operating voltages. It features an isolation voltage of up to 5kV and can be used for a variety of applications, including industrial automation, medical, instrumentation, motors and drives, and communication systems. The TLP620X features a high common mode transient immunity that is designed to work without additional external components. It offers a wide temperature range of -40°C to +105°C. The TLP620X is available in a variety of packages, including both standard and custom designs.