About Digital to Analog Converters - DAC

Digital to Analog Converters - DAC

A Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) is an electronic device that converts a digital signal such as a binary code into an analog signal, such as sound or electricity. DACs are used in digital audio systems, including CD players, digital radios, digital televisions, and other devices which require the reproduction of analog signals. A DAC can also be used to control devices such as analog potentiometers, and actuate digital to analog actuators. A DAC typically takes in a serial stream of digital data as an input, and then breaks it down into its components. The individual values are sampled and converted into a corresponding analog output. Depending on the complexity of the DAC, it may be able to handle multiple inputs and outputs, or may just convert a single stream of data.
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  Sampling Rate

  Number Of Channels

  Number Of Converters

  Interface Type

  Settling Time